In this article, we will explain the computer block diagram of digital computer, with components. 

An architectural picture of a computer system can be seen in a block diagram. The block diagram gives you a brief summary of the fundamental steps a computer goes through to operate, from data intake to the output of the intended result.

A block diagram of the computer system is displayed in the diagram below:



1. Input Unit

2. Output Unit

3. Central Processing Unit (CPU)

1. Input Unit 

Computers require both data and instructions to solve any issue. Consequently, we must enter the information and instructions into the computers. One or more input devices make up the input unit. One of the most popular input devices is the keyboard. The mouse, floppy disc drive, scanner, and other standard input devices are also used. The following activities are carried out by all input devices.

  • Accept the information and guidelines coming from outside.

  • Put it in a format that a machine can comprehend.

  • Give the computer the transformed data so it may process it further.

2. Output  Unit

An output unit executes that input unit's reverse operation. It provides the outside world with data-processed information. As a result, it connects a computer to its surroundings.

Since computers use binary code to communicate, the output is also binary. Therefore, the system must transform the result into a human-acceptable form before sending it to the outside world.

In a nutshell, an output unit accomplishes the following tasks:

  • It accepts the encoded results that are generated. The results that are coded are difficult to grasp.

  • These coded results are transformed into a human-acceptable format.

  • It makes the transformed results available to the public.

3.  Central Processing Unit (CPU)

The CPU is the collective name for a computer system's CU and ALU. It serves as a computer system's brain. In the human body, the brain makes all significant choices, while other organs work under its control.

Similarly to this, the CPU activates and controls the operations of all other computer system units in addition to carrying out all significant calculations and comparisons.

Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU):

The computer's Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) handles all calculations. Additionally, it compares and makes a choice. The ALU is capable of carrying out fundamental operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. as well as logic operations like >,, =, etc. The control unit transmits the data from the storage unit to the ALU whenever calculations are necessary. Once the calculations are complete, the control unit transfers the results to the storage unit before sending them to the output unit for display.

Control Unit (CU)

It oversees every other component of the computer. When the input unit receives data from the user, the control unit tells it where to keep it. It regulates how information and commands are sent from the storage unit to the ALU. Additionally, it manages the results' passage from the ALU to the storage unit. The control unit is sometimes referred to as the computer's central nervous system because it regulates and synchronizes its operation.

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